My Son celebrated his 9th Birthday this weekend and now that he's getting a little older (okay, much too much older for Mommy's taste) he's getting into more of the "guy stuff" including football. My husband (being the good role model that he is) took it upon himself to insure that Austin pulls for the "right" team, and that team at our house is of course the Carolina Panthers! :) So, that being said Austin requested a Panthers Jersey for his cake this year and I was excited to tackle (no pun intended...honest!) this challenge! The jersey was yellow cake covered in fondant - I used white shimmer dust to attempt to replicate the shimmer on the Panthers' home jerseys with some success. My trusty Cricut Cake was used to cut the lettering and #9 out of fondant. Then I paired the jersey cake with some vanilla cupcakes topped by a chocolate buttercream swirl and fondant footballs. It felt a little more like superbowl weekend than a Birthday, but my Son was thrilled and all was right with the world!