Yes, you read that title correctly! :) This isn't your "traditional" mother-daughter bonding experience perhaps, but that's okay! As a Mom who loves to bake, decorate and loves zombie tv I suppose I'm not your traditional Mom lol! Last night was the season premiere of one of my favorite series, The Walking Dead and to celebrate I thought it would be fun to make some zombie cupcakes (and sure, it's pretty appropriate given the time of year as well!) My little girl wanted to help, so we made it a team effort! She picked the flavor - chocolate cupcakes, of course (girl after my own heart!!) and we stuck with vanilla buttercream for the icing since I'd need to color it for the decorations I had planned. Taylor really enjoyed helping me on these - measuring out ingredients, sifting the flour - she was in Heaven! Maybe I've got a right hand-in the making! :) I decided to decorate half the cupcakes with my grass tip with zombie hands I purchased from Bake It Pretty, the other half as brains 'cause well...zombies love braaaaiiiins! As I'm coloring the icing for my brains I have to laugh at myself deliberating over whether "peach" or "light copper" would be more appropriate for brain color - never ran into that one before! Loved how these turned out and had so much fun making these with my little helper!